TED Talk

Let me show you something.This was the world 540 million years ago. Pure, endless darkness. It wasn't dark due to a lack of light. It was dark because of a lack of sight.
There was a time that the very idea of seeing didn't exist. It simply never been done before. Until this happend
So for reasons we're only beginning to understandtrilobites, the first organisms that could sense light, emerged. They're the first inhabitants of this reality that we take for granted. First to discover that there is something other than oneself. A world of many selves.
Today, we're no longer satisfied with just nature's gift of visual intelligence. Curiosity urges us to create machines to see just as intelligently as we can, and all these gave rise to intelligence.
Nine years ago, on this stage, I delivered an early progress report on computer vision, a subfield of artificial intelligence. Three powerful forces converged for the first time.
A family of algorithms called neural networks. Fast, specialized hardware called GPUs and big data. Together, they ushered in the age of modern AI.
Many of you have seen the recent impressive results of Sora by Open AI. We all can see that we want to advance AI beyond its current capabilities, we want more that can see and talk just like us
Indeed, we're making exciting progress!
Only recently, a group of researchers from Google are able to develop an algorithm to take a bunch of photos and translate that into 3D space, like the examples we're showing here.
And my colleagues at Stanford and their students have developed an algorithm that takes one image and generates infinitely plausible spaces for viewers to explore.
What excites me the most in the future is a future in which that AI grows more perceptive, insightful and spatially aware, and they join us on our quest to always pursue a better way to make a better world. Thank you